How I Became GitHub Actions Certified in Just 3 Days: A Personal Journey

Chamod Shehanka Perera
3 min readAug 4, 2024


Disclaimer: Before diving into this article, let me clarify that I don’t necessarily recommend my approach for everyone. My journey was unique because I had already been using GitHub Actions from its early stages, which made its syntax and terms quite familiar to me. With a solid background in CI/CD generation and GitHub being my go-to CI/CD pipeline, I felt confident enough to take the risk. Initially, I planned to spend a week preparing for the exam after work. However, due to procrastination, I ended up preparing in just three days without specifically writing a single GitHub Action for exam preparation.

Here’s how I managed to pass the GitHub Actions certification exam in such a short span:

What I Did

  1. Reviewed Exam Topics: I started by visiting the exam website to understand the topics covered. This helped me focus on the areas I needed to concentrate on [Link].
  2. Watched YouTube Crash Courses: I watched YouTube crash courses from freeCodeCamp and skipped sections I was already familiar with. This allowed me to efficiently cover new material without rehashing what I already knew.
  3. Practiced with Free Sample Questions: I took advantage of free sample questions available on various portals, GitHub repositories, and the GitHub Actions Documentation. This practice was crucial in understanding the exam format and the types of questions that would be asked.
  4. Took Model Exams: My first attempt at a model exam resulted in a score of 74%, just shy of the 75% required to pass. By reviewing the answers, I realized I had the knowledge needed to pass but needed to be more careful with multiple-choice questions (MCQs). After doing another round of practice with a different set of free model exams, I achieved the desired score and successfully passed the exam.

My Recommended Approach to Pass the GitHub Actions Certification

  1. Microsoft Learning Path: Follow the Microsoft Learning Path for a structured and comprehensive study plan.
  2. GitHub Actions Documentation: Thoroughly read and understand the GitHub Actions Documentation. It is an invaluable resource for both the exam and practical applications.
  3. Model Exams: Practice with model exams to familiarize yourself with the exam format and question types. This will also help identify areas where you need more focus.
  4. Take Time and Practice: Allocate sufficient time for preparation and practice regularly. This will build your confidence and improve your chances of passing the exam.

While my approach was unconventional and a bit of a gamble, it worked out due to my existing familiarity with GitHub Actions. For most people, a more methodical preparation process is advisable. Good luck with your certification journey!



Chamod Shehanka Perera

Software Engineer | GitHub Field Expert | Golang Sri Lanka Lead | GDG Organizer | KCD Sri Lanka Organizer| Beginner Surfer